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Tips for selling your home in winter

Selling your home in winter is dependent on how it is showcased to potential buyers in these cold months.

Looking at selling your home in winter? The National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) believe that there are only a few minor things that need to be incorporated for the successful sale of your home.

Winter can be cold, dark and wet, which often means properties are unable to promote some of their best features,” says Simon Gerrard, President of the NAEA. “By incorporating a few simple tips, sellers can enhance their property’s look and feel and increase their chance of attracting an offer.

Quite often, it’s the smallest changes to a property that can make it stand out over others. A warm, inviting atmosphere in the dreary winter months is key. Simple things such as making sure a home is warm and well lit can improve saleability during the darker month and additions such as welcoming gardening lights to enhance the entrance to your home can appeal to buyer’s imaginations.

Some of the top tips suggested by the NAEA are as follows:

First impressions – The outside of the property will be the first sight of potential buyers, this will also be where bad weather will impact.
Front gardens will be strewn with leaves and the surrounding area may look dull, do your best to clear paths and gardens to improve the appeal of the property.

Check gutters – Also drains covers; make sure they are free of dead leaves and other forms of debris to prevent any damage to the gutters.

Gardens – Clear away any patio furniture if you are able to, as messy gardens may be off-putting for prospective buyers.
If there are any fence panels that are loose, fix them in place and trim away any overhanging branches which should help liven up the garden.

Light up the rooms – Light up your home to create a warmer atmosphere, this includes opening blinds and curtains if viewings are happening throughout the day.
Clear entryways and halls of clutter also.

Smell and temperature – The smell of a home is a very important factor when potential buyers are viewing a property.
Damp smells and bad aromas won’t fair well with buyers, they won’t want to make a purchase if there is a possibility of that smell sticking around.
Similar with the house’s temperature, keep it warm to add to the inviting feel of the home.

Flying – During the winter months, you may want to vacate to another destination; if so, the temperature of your houses should be a minimum of 15°c, meaning leaving the heating on.
However, the heating shouldn’t by any means be left on for the whole time you are away, make use of the timer to keep the property toasty.

Frozen pipes – If your property is suffering in below-zero temperatures, check your pipes to see if they’re in need of de-freezing.
Frozen pipes should be thawed with gentle heat e.g. hot water, hair dryers etc.

These tips should help you with the sale of your property in winter and make it a space potential buyers will want to inhabit.
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