UK House Price Indices

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UK House Price Indices

UK House Price Indices

Land Registry’s house price index increased by +0.91% in July, compared with Nationwide’s most latest release of an increase of +0.69%. Nationwide said that U.K. house prices were bolstered by an improvement in the availability of credit and reduced cost of mortgages, with the recent upturn in activity driven by first time buyers. Halifax recorded a +0.36% increase in average house prices in August.

Last release Most recent YoY Dec 12 to date Peak Month Peak to now Peak to Trough
Halifax Aug-13 0.36% 6.31% 4.28% Aug-07 -14.71% -22.51%
Nationwide SA Aug-13 0.69% 3.40% 3.18% Oct-07 -9.10% -19.38%
Lreg Jul-13 0.91% 0.80% 2.24% Nov-07 -9.82% -17.02%
Rightmove Aug-13 -1.74% 5.52% 8.86% Jul-13 -1.74% -15.79%
DCLG SA Jun-13 1.28% 3.05% 2.13% Jan-08 -1.62% -15.09%
AcadHPI Jul-13 0.07% 2.56% 2.06% Jul-13 0.00% -14.05%

YoY = Year on Year

Post courtesy of Kensington Mortgages.

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