Growth in house prices picks up across all regions

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Growth in house prices picks up across all regions

Growth in house prices picks up

House prices have been picking up across the country but with some areas doing significantly better than others, according to the latest report from Nationwide.

UK Fact File

Average UK House Price               £174,444

Annual percentage change             7.1%

Quarterly change*                           2.7%

Most expensive region                    London

Least expensive region                  N Ireland

Strongest annual price change    London

Weakest annual price change      North

* Seasonally adjusted

(Note that quarterly % changes in house price growth are revised when seasonal adjustment factors are re-estimated)

Best performing house prices by regional towns / cities

Rank  Town / City    Annual % change   Average Price

  1.    Manchester               21%                £209,627
  2.    London*                     13%                £385,741
  3.    Brighton                     12%                £348,918
  4.    Leicester                    11%                £168,778
  5.    Birmingham               10%                £151,793
Worst performing house prices by regional towns / cities

Rank  Town / City    Annual % change   Average Price

  1.    Carlisle                      1%                  £136,128
  2.    Edinburgh                 1%                  £235,907
  3.    Newcastle                 2%                  £169,395
  4.    Glasgow                    2%                  £157,364
  5.    Coventry                    2%                  £170,243

* This figure is on a different basis to the London regional index to enable a direct comparison with other towns and cities

Post courtesy of Nationwide Building Society

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