BoE report suggests a high LTV market could be on its way

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First-time buyers offered 50pc more mortgages
2 Jul 2013
Landlords face £3,000 fines for illegal immigrant tenants
8 Jul 2013

BoE report suggests a high LTV market could be on its way

According to the latest Credit Conditions survey from the Bank of England (BoE), the availability of mortgages has increased in the second quarter of the year with lenders predicting further increases in the next three months.

The report also suggested that demand for house purchase mortgages had risen significantly in the last three months and further increases were expected over the following quarter.

Lenders also reported that the average loan to value (LTV) has seen a rise, indicating that a high-LTV market could be on its way as they planned to increased their 90% LTV lending in the third quarter.

Post taken from Financial Reporter

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